It’s easy to get caught up in the media hype about college costs. Many families become discouraged and resign themselves to the fact that college is simply not affordable. To that, we say, “Not true.” If you are willing to fill out the necessary paperwork and to be open-minded about the definition of a “good school,” you have options:
Need-Based Aid
All colleges are willing to consider whether or not a family has demonstrated financial need. This is done by submitting the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and/or the CSS (College Scholarship Service) and providing current tax returns. Invasive? Yes. Worth it? Also yes. These forms allow colleges to put together a package of financial aid that may include scholarships (free money) as well as loans and work study options. If you don’t fill out the forms, you won’t be considered.
Not all schools will provide a package that covers 100% of your demonstrated need. Among those that do, few schools promise to meet all of a family’s need without including loans in the award. Typically, the offer is a mixed bag. Despite these limitations, if you have need, the sticker price is not your final price.
For guidance on filling out these forms, check out Khan Academy.
Institutional Merit Aid
If a student has distinguished herself in a particular area of study or in a non-academic endeavor, some schools will reward these achievements with merit aid. This is scholarship money that is NOT based on need. Not every college does this. In fact, some offer no merit aid at all. Still, many colleges DO! The key is to know which ones.
Once a student has made a preliminary college list, information on merit awards will be available on each college’s website. It may take some digging, but the policy is there. If a school offers merit aid, they may do so based simply on grades and scores. Others use subjective measures of talent and achievement. Students may have to fill out additional applications and/or write another essay--a small price to pay for help with college expenses.
But what if the schools on your list do not offer merit aid? And what if your family, despite not being able to demonstrate need, will still have difficulty footing your college bill? It’s simple – you need to revise your list. There are a number of wonderful colleges out there willing to reward a student’s performance. The problem is, you haven’t heard of them…yet.
In our experience, once we break the reputation barrier, and introduce families and students to lesser-known schools offering top-notch educations, they will find additional money coming their way.
Have you ever heard of Cornell College (in Iowa), The University of Puget Sound, or Willamette? We’re guessing you haven’t. These are just three of many schools that offered recent graduates $20,000 or more per year in scholarship money. They are also schools where students can thrive.
To quickly check whether or not a school offers merit aid, you can search , enter a college name and then click on the “money matters” section for that school.
Merit Aid From Independent Sources
There are thousands of scholarships offered by independent sources. Companies, special interest groups, and religious organizations are just a few of the options available. These awards are often on the smaller side - $500 to $1000. To some students, it hardly seems worth applying for them. We respectfully disagree. (Actually, we just disagree.) Dedicating a moderate amount of time to researching and applying for such awards can free up other funds for travel, books, and other living expenses. Get a few of these awards and suddenly the dollars add up.
For information on where to find scholarships of all kinds, check out
Our Take
"Thank you for helping me to receive the opportunity to go to such a great school. I appreciate your help more than you know!"
UC Berkeley
"Thank you for all of your help and support. I would never have been able to do it without you."
University of Pennsylvania
Class of 2021
"The BIGGEST heartfelt thank you. We dropped our daughter off at college today. University of Hartford. FULL RIDE. We truly believe that the help you provided her with was a significant part of this achievement."
-Tom and Cristina,
parents of Ruby
University of Hartford
Class of 2019
"I got into UCLA!!! I want to say thank you. I couldn't have done it without you."
Transfer to UCLA
Class of 2018
"My son applied to 13 schools. EVERY letter referenced what a great essay he had. I know if he hadn't worked with College Fit 360, that wouldn't be the case."
-Shari, mother of William
Washington University in St. Louis
Class of 2019
"What is cool and impressive is your commitment to the kids
and caring about them."
-Jan, mother of Jake
Taking a gap year
“I just heard that I HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED TO WELLESLEY COLLEGE!!!!! Thank you so much for everything you guys have done to help me have the options that I have right now…”
Wellesley College, Class of 2018